Is my degree/qualification relevant for entry to the MSc Play Therapy?
The entry requirements: A degree in, for example, in Health, Psychology, Education, Counselling or Social Work with 2 years’ post qualifying experience working with children and families or 5 years’ experience working with children and families with relevant training/qualifications.
If you do not have relevant degree/qualification, we will consider your experience working with children and families. The assessment of this will be on an individual basis.
Is my experience relevant/ what are you looking for regarding post-qualifying experience?
We are looking for direct work with children/young people and families, in an education, social work, healthcare or voluntary sector setting. You should have gained an understanding of the social, emotional, and developmental issues experienced by children and families.
Can I use Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to miss specific Modules/ apply credits towards the MSc?
At present we are unable to apply any previous credits through RPL for the MSc in Play Therapy.
The MSc course is structured with each element of the course designed to be linked together for progression and development in stages over the 3 years.
When are the fees due each year?
Prior to starting in 1st year, you will pay a £500 deposit to With Kids so that your place can be secured. The remaining balance for the fees for 1st year will be paid directly to QMU.
The fees for 2nd and 3rd year will be paid to QMU as per arrangements with the university.
Will the annual fees increase whilst I am on the Course?
The fees will not increase throughout the duration of the course.
Can I pay the fees in instalments?
The fees can be paid in instalments through arrangements with finance at QMU.
Can With Kids/QMU help with funding and who do I contact?
There is guidance on funding sources available on the With Kids Website and in the course information in the application pack. With Kids are not able to offer any funding towards the course.
SAAS provide a loan system for a proportion of the fees, please see the course information document and the SAAS website for details.
Can I talk with someone about the course before I apply?
If you are unable to find the answers to your queries, then you can request a conversation with one of the MSc Team, by emailing training@withkids.org.uk
How do I apply and what is the process?
When is the first practice with a child expected to begin after I start the course?
You will start your first practice in October of the 1st year.
Will there be any help to find a placement?
You will be given guidance when you start in September, on how to find a placement and depending on your geographical location some placement opportunities can be suggested.
Can I carry out my placement at my place of work?
We do support training in your organisation whenever possible. This will depend on your current role and the type of organisation.
For example, if you are a teacher, we would advise you not to do your placement in your school, as you will be known in your school as a teacher and will know the children in another context.
In another organisation you may not be known to the children or families and could work as a trainee play therapist. However, in 1st year you need to work with children with no, little and minor difficulties and if there are no children within those criteria, it would be difficult to do the work there.
How likely am I to get a job as a Play Therapist upon qualifying?
To date every graduate who wants to continue working as play therapist has managed to find a post either part-time or full-time.
What type of organisations employ Play Therapists?
There are several organisations who provide play therapy.
Schools, Social Work, CAMHS, Fostering and Adoption agencies and a number of Voluntary Sector Organisations and many more.
What day of the week is the Course delivered for each of the 3 years?
The course tutorial day is Tuesday in 1st year and Wednesday for 2nd and 3rd year and is delivered at With Kids, Glasgow.
You will require an additional day for placement, observations, and personal therapy.
These can all take place near where you live.
Is attendance required at the QMU campus for any teaching or other aspects of the Course?
There will be one induction day in 1st year at QMU where you can meet the QMU staff and see the facilities including the library. Otherwise, all tutorial days with be at With Kids.
I need to carry on working to fund my study/ meet my living costs-how can I make this work?
If you can work part-time or be given time off from your work as an in-kind contribution from your employer, for example, this can work very well. Most people enjoy the opportunity to be able to combine work with part-time study.
Download an application pack HERE or for further information please contact training@withkids.org.uk