We aim to work in unison with staff to help support and enhance existing skills and knowledge to provide the best support not just for children and families but for the whole school. This includes one to one and group support as well as targeted training to school staff , depending on the service requested by the school.

If you would like to discuss our packages please contact Gwen Galbraith on 0141 550 5770 or Alternatively, you can fill in our website contact form


For a child in therapy the therapist will work closely with staff to help gain further understanding of the difficulties the child is experiencing and suggest ways to manage more effectively in the classroom and with others.


The therapist can offer specific and more general support around emotional and behavioural difficulties that are impacting on the school environment. They can suggest and advise ways to support staff and children during the school day. 


In a busy school it can be hard to find the time to think about the impact that children experiencing difficulties might have on us or others. We can offer a space to reflect and think about this. In doing so we can help to alleviate stresses and think of new ways of managing both for ourselves and the wider environment.


We have a range of CPD trainings to enhance the knowledge of school staff of children’s mental health and emotional well-being.We can also deliver bespoke trainings targeting particular issues such as Additonal Support Needs, the effects of trauma on  brain development , understanding children’s non-verbal communications, to name but a few.